Yr love of circles is basically a tacit endorsement of slavery. STOP LISTENING TO THE CIRCULAR PROPAGANDA. All a circle has ever done is kept the people down. Btw you goddamned circle lover the wheel ain't got shit on the invention of fire. 🔥
Ummmm: Pyramids. Yeah I took it to the 3rd dimension. What now Bernard? I'd think in this time of plague & pestilence you'd have a little more respect for the triangle.
Circle's helped build the big triangles! Uh, circular wheels were used to roll the squares by the slaves who pulled the damn squares to build those bigger triangles.
Fuck you & yr circles! Triangle is the superior 2 dimensional shape! It has the least possible sides, yet is uppity enough to have an entire mathematics devoted to it. What you got circle? Pi?!?! Some infinite number everyone just rounds off (pun intended). And don't get me started on squares... "oh look at us with out equal sides & angles" WELL EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES GOT ALL THAT TOO! Piece of shit squares are just polygons that follow too many rules. They just parallelograms with no fucking style!
I can't entirely disagree to the response of the question rather then my response sing as the circle is always in always will be on all sides forever going if you think about it it's not being straight non-linear object it's just a circle all right (Chas's early response).".you might get a response dude , in Spanish.🌚🌚🌚
May you walk with the prophets my child.
Ohhhh myyy Prophet's!
Ummmm: Pyramids. Yeah I took it to the 3rd dimension. What now Bernard? I'd think in this time of plague & pestilence you'd have a little more respect for the triangle.
Fuck you & yr circles! Triangle is the superior 2 dimensional shape! It has the least possible sides, yet is uppity enough to have an entire mathematics devoted to it. What you got circle? Pi?!?! Some infinite number everyone just rounds off (pun intended). And don't get me started on squares... "oh look at us with out equal sides & angles" WELL EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES GOT ALL THAT TOO! Piece of shit squares are just polygons that follow too many rules. They just parallelograms with no fucking style!
...I gotta stop now. Getting kinda heated.
I also love jamón manchego croquetas from Barcelona Wine Bar. They're round and delicious!
Mine is a circle for many reasons. Lots of things are round. Like a wheel, my drums, time clocks, the planet. Yeeeeeah